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What We Believe

What We Believe


Assurance is a Christian community that is unified in our faith in Jesus Christ and proud of our Wesleyan heritage, yet within our unity we feel there is also room for diversity.   We are not afraid to ask questions, wrestle with, and have open and honest conversations about theology. We welcome all non-Christians and Christians no matter where they are in their journey of faith.


At Assurance, we worship the One and only Triune God; Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.  We believe in the One God who created the universe and all that is in it. We believe God is both sovereign and loving, and that we can know and experience God's love. We believe that God has expressed the fullness of God's love through the life, death, and resurrection of His One and only Son, Jesus Christ. We believe that Jesus Christ is our Savior and that through Him we have abundant life and the forgiveness of sins.  We believe in God's Holy Spirit, which is God's continued presence with us today. We believe it is by the Holy Spirit that we are able to know, love, and serve God as well as one another.  We believe in the authority of Scripture as God's inspired Word, and that it is the story of our salvation. We celebrate being a part of the Church, which continues spreading God's love in the world as the Body of Christ. In addition to these beliefs, we celebrate our communion with other Christian communities in our foundational beliefs


In addition to our core beliefs as Christians, we celebrate our vibrant heritage as United Methodists. Methodism began as a movement led by John Wesley in order to strengthen the Church by inviting people to take faith and put it into action. Wesley firmly believed that being Christian isn't something we can just talk about, but it needs to be something that is manifested in our everyday life.  Wesley also had a strong sense of God's grace is central to our understanding of Christian life and faith.  God's grace empowers and leads us to love God and one another. We are grateful for these distinct Wesleyan emphases and other historic doctrines that shape who we are as United Methodists within the greater Christian Church.  As United Methodists, we refer to ourselves as "connectional" and seek to not only connect with other United Methodist churches but with churches across denominational lines. We also take seriously our call to share God's love to all without regard to race, color, ethnicity, national origin, social status, gender, sexual orientation, age, economic condition or disability.


We invite you to explore more about the United Methodist Church.

Our History

Our History

Assurance United Methodist Church began with the courageous leadership of two local churches desiring to follow God's vision for the future of the church. In the face of adversity, St. James United Methodist Church, a city church, and Chadwick United Methodist Church, the parish of a mill village, merged together to form Assurance UMC in 1995.  Their hopes and prayers were that God would use Assurance to serve and impact the North Mecklenburg community with the love of God and the good news of God's grace in Jesus Christ.  With patience and faithfulness, the groundwork was laid for Assurance as we know it today.

Today, Assurance UMC is actively participating in God's mission of growing disciples of Jesus Christ, so that we can Go serve Christ in the world. We are a community that hopes to reflect the Kingdom of God, as we welcome all people to join us in the life of the church.  We worship God through four different services on Sunday's at multiple locations that cover a wide range in styles and format.  We are grateful to offer a large variety of small group opportunities and other programs for people of all ages throughout the week, as well as service opportunities that are both local and global in scope.  We are a passionate, loving, and hospitable community that would love to serve you.  We invite you to join us and share in this awesome adventure that we feel God has invited us all to be a part of. 



Chadwick, St. James, and a neighbor church located in West Charlotte, began meeting to discuss their life expectancy and that with proud histories they were no longer reaching their communities.


The Northwest Mecklenburg Methodist Mission (Later to be named Assurance) was launched and the first blended/traditional worship service was held in the gym at Long Creek Elementary School in July.


After choosing from several communities and sites, Assurance bought land, built, and moved into Phase 1 at 9700 Mt. Holly-Huntersville Road, a community of exciting and explosive growth.


Assurance Preschool Launches with 30 kids (now 225).


Purchased “the cottage” from another church to move Sunday School classes out of the worship center so that a second worship service could be started.


Opened an educational wing to further serve the needs of our congregation and our community. First “Helping Hands of Assurance” Community Impact Day.


Fusion: A Modern Worship Experience was added.



Averaging over 500 people each Sunday, Assurance launched its third worship service. Also settled on words around our mission, “To Grow as Followers of Jesus to Go serve Christ in the world.”  The words Spirit, Serve, and Share became the way we measure our faithfulness to that mission.



Assurance commits to living out its a mission even beyond the Northlake community, by returning to the community in West Charlotte that we left 16 years ago, with the launch of the Connections Campus. Assurance remains committed to these two communities, and wherever else God may lead.

Learn More


If you would like to know more about what it means to follow Christ, please call 704-391-9567 and ask to speak to one of our pastors, or email us.

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